On Miracles

In the past I held the Hume view that the only miracle of Christ is that people believe in Christ, given how far removed each of us is from whatever happened to initiate the rumor of a resurrection. But if you look at the academic literature in the field of Religion, you quickly learn that "miracles" are not all that rare, and that the universe and our world is brimming with unexplained and seemingly inexplicable phenomena, even for our current explanatory frameworks, aka "science."

The notion that the universe is governed by rules, which we largely understand and can predict with a reassuring degree of accuracy, is a useful notion, but a not altogether accurate one. Real empirical evidence of miracles exists. An apparition by definition leaves few physical traces outside of eyewitness experience. Eyewitness testimony is real evidence, admissible even in court. If twenty of us are sitting in a room, and suddenly we all see a flash of light followed by a mysterious floating orb in the center of the room, it matters little whether the orb "actually, physically" exists. Clearly it has objective reality if eyewitnesses see it, or some version of it, all together. There is plenty of (scientific) eyewitness testimony of miracles,

Miracles may be suspensions of universal law, or they may be woven into the very fabric of the physical world, governed by laws (which we only do not yet understand). If objective apparition is admissible evidence, then reality is as much governed by "science" and the world is as much a physical being as a set of narratives, testimony of beings who were and continue to be. The laws of Nature (writ large) may not be the laws of physics, even if the laws of physics are the laws of physics. It may be that what is truly "Real," what is "Truth," happens at the intersection of the data and the phenomena, wherever that meeting place may be.

It is possible that the universe appears to be governed by laws because that is a merciful universe for animals, who need consistency to stay alive; and God occasionally messes with us by allowing miracles, but does so on the down low, because too many miracles would have us all wishing for sweet sweet death, as in reunion with our maker. We need to think we live in a dead world that operates with machine-like regularity, in order to cultivate the sanity requisite in sustaining faith in miracles.

If the world were all miracles all the time, we would never notice the miracles, because there would be no laws of nature, and therefore no suspension of those laws. If reality is narrative, and if God has written a story whose ending he obscured, even from (and most especially from) himself, then all miracles may be possible at any time. Thinking about this seriously is beyond exhilarating. Rather than a foregone conclusion waiting out her days, I feel like a brand new day, surfing the crest of nature's most astounding wave, half suffering and half creating a future that not even God can predict.

At the same time, I worry. I worry because I do not know how this is going to turn out. None of us knows how this is going to turn out. It could turn out spectacularly poorly, and it could turn out really well. And not even the God who made us can really say what will happen, or can even know what miracles to bring to help us. Sure, God may be perfect and all powerful, but surely too he has the power to hide things from himself, or he would not be so powerful after all. In general, there should be no way to apply any restrictions to God, as if to say that "God can't write a story whose ending he obscures from himself."